Triangular bipyramid

Triangular bipyramid
Type Bipyramid
J11 - J12 - J13
Faces 6 triangles
Edges 9
Vertices 5
Face configuration V3.4.4
Symmetry group D3h, [3,2], (*223)
Dual Triangular prism
Properties Convex, face-transitive

In geometry, the triangular bipyramid (or dipyramid) is the first in the infinite set of face-transitive bipyramids. It is the dual of the triangular prism with 6 isosceles triangle faces.

It is also one of the Johnson solids, (J12) with equilateral triangle faces. As the name suggests, it can be constructed by joining two tetrahedra along one face. It is a convex deltahedron. Although all its faces are congruent and the solid is face-transitive, it is not a Platonic solid because some vertices adjoin three faces and others adjoin four. As a Johnson solid, with 6 equilateral triangles, it is also in the set of deltahedra.

Dual polyhedron

The dual of the Johnson solid triangular bipyramid is the triangular prism, with 5 faces: 3 rectangular faces and 2 triangular.

Dual triangular bipyramid Net of dual

See also

External links